Crucibles Database

Artifact ID DK 167/337
Site Don Klang
Context general soil matrix
Period Late Period

Vitrification: none
Lab work: thin section
Lagging: present
Temper: rice chaff
Dross: copper minerals
Slag Glass: present
Prills: copper/bronze
Number of uses: 1
MetalComment: A sawed section shows that the dross is concentrated in a lagged layer. One small irregular shaped prill of copper, ~0.2mm in diameter, is visible, as well as one smaller bronze prill, ~0.1mm in diameter. A crushed piece of dross also revealed 3 more pieces of copper. Each is associated with cuprite and surrounded by malachite. Two very small black, magnetite spherules are also present. Patches of malachite and green spherules are common. The largest spherules were ~0.1mm in diameter. Glass is clear, red, brown, and black, the latter being the most common. Black pieces are generally magnetic to varying degrees. Some pieces appear to be somewhat granular and are very magnetic. One grain of magnetite is in the crushed piece.